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Ultimate Healing
....because your body, mind, and soul deserve more!
Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND
Doctor of Natural Medicine
Holistic and Quantum Energy Medicine Spiritual and Intuitive Healing

Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
May 3, 20163 min read
Making the Impossible - POSSIBLE!
If you could change your life right now to one that you only DREAM could be possible, what would that look like? What if you could...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Apr 4, 20162 min read
Managing Stress for Health!
Stress is a part of living - things happen! But UN-managed stress can really take a toll on our health and vitality. You can feel...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Mar 23, 20163 min read
'Health & Happiness' Inspirational Mentoring Group!
Learn to NOURISH your Body AND your Soul! Health and Happiness go hand in hand. No matter what your health issues, isn't it time you...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Mar 14, 20163 min read
Top Ten Reasons to DETOX!
As Spring is fast approaching, it is an excellent time to CLEANSE the body! Most people don't realize that we can have hidden toxins,...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Feb 17, 20166 min read
10 Essentials for Health and Happiness!
If you are pursuing happiness and well-being, it is essential to find balance in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life. ...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Feb 13, 20163 min read
Increasing Your Vibration to Heal
Everything is energy, right? Your core vibration is one that you have carried into this lifetime. It is your genetic and energetic...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Feb 1, 20164 min read
When Life is Tough...
We've ALL had experiences of when it seemed like life just isn't working out for us. Things are hard, or not going your way, and you...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Jan 21, 20163 min read
Change Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life!
I talk to so many people who are stuck in old patterns such as struggling with their health, or too much stress, frustrations in...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Dec 17, 20155 min read
Are Your Supplements QUALITY?
The vitamin and herbal supplement industry has exploded, and changed, over the last two decades. I remember what happened 20 years ago...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Nov 28, 20155 min read
Transformational Health Addresses Six Essential Areas!
How is your life going? Have you been dealing with a health challenge for a long time, not seeming to get real results? Perhaps you are...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Nov 5, 20153 min read
Tips to Use Essential Oils for Your Health!
Essential Oils are very concentrated plant oils and contain very tiny molecules that can penetrate the skin easily making them extremely...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Nov 2, 20151 min read
Learn WHY Lights and Frequencies Are the 'Medicine of the Future!'
You've probably heard about this, but do you really know what light does in the body? How about frequencies, and how they can help us to...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Nov 2, 20153 min read
So, Are You Ready To Detox? What to Expect...
Perhaps you've been thinking about doing a detox, and hearing all the reasons WHY you really should. What do you do next? Fall is one of...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Nov 2, 20152 min read
What's In Your Energy Field?
Did you know that your emotional health effects your physical health? And visa versa... Everything is connected! You cannot separate...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 15, 20153 min read
The THREE Major Causes of Fatigue
Did you know that there are three major causes of fatigue? Many people try to just avoid the problem by using caffeine, sugar and energy...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 14, 20153 min read
Do You Know HOW Light Heals?
Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) are a form of light therapy that is a relatively recent outgrowth of the laser industry. LED's disperse...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 6, 20153 min read
Are Aches and Pains, Low Sex Drive, and Poor Sleep Just Part of Aging?
You might think so, but it is not true! There's a growing number of research articles showing the correlation between the stress in the...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 6, 20155 min read
Are You SPEEDING Up the Aging Process?
Who wants to feel old? Tired? Washed up? No one really wants that. How about early wrinkles, grey hairs, loss of sex drive (and...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 6, 20155 min read
BEST Natural Sleep Support for Insomnia!
Did you know that your body only heals when it is deeply relaxed, or sleeping? Inadequate sleep is a very common problem. In fact, 40%...
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Jane Smolnik, ND, C.I.H.
Oct 6, 20152 min read
It's ALL About That Immune System!
Yes, summer is winding down, kids are back at school, people are getting back to their routines, and the air is changing. Is your system...
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