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POWERFUL New Online Course!

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Awaken Your Innate Abilities!


Mastering these innate skills of your conscious abilities increases your inner creative power, expands your awareness, Supercharges your Intuition, clears limitations and blocks, and transforms your life to manifest your greatest inner joys and deepest desires. Creating a QUANTUM MIND!

Do you believe you are Multi-Dimensional? We ALL have Star origins in our DNA and amazing potential! What better time to go inward to develop these unique higher skills for a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 

Perfect for anyone - beginner or skilled. You will always expand even further!

A new class is scheduled for Fall. See details below.

Are you ready to Supercharge your Intuitive and creative powers? 
Wish you could have some major BREAKTHROUGHS?
Expand your consciousness to exciting new abilities?
Ready for an inner transformation? This is for YOU!
You are truly a NO LIMIT Being!
Whether you are a novice, or have been working consciously for years, it doesn't matter.
There is NO limit to your abilities to expand further!
Listen to my latest Radio Show, It was very powerful!
The QUANTUM MIND - Unleashing Your Infinite Potential!
Discover Your Unlimited Potential!

With this brand new training program called ‘Awaken Your Innate Abilities’, we will be exploring and developing our innate, unlimited potential as 5D Spiritual Beings! This 6-session series of classes over 12 weeks will be highly interactive as we practice using our new exercises and share our discoveries with other each other.

Your consciousness contains ALL the information in the Universe! Do you know how to access it? Intuition is more than just having a hunch, or getting an insight! You can gather MUCH more info from people, places, situations, events, and much more when you utilize your awareness in a different way! Our brains are like Super Processors!!  Would you like to develop your 'Super Consciousness' or Cosmic Consciousness? 

How Will This Benefit you?

Learn how to shift your consciousness, identify and clear limiting beliefs, raise your vibration, increase your creative and manifesting power at will. Expand your consciousness abilities (they are unlimited!), Supercharge intuition, gain more info, wisdom, and insights for self-empowerment. Discover amazing new Self-Healing Techniques. Live a more joyful and EMPOWERED LIFE!

What this unique course provides for you:

  1. The importance of creating rituals, vision, meditating, connecting, grounding, and protecting yourself in your 5D cosmic awareness. We are ALL becoming Multi-dimensional Beings! What does that mean?

  2. First, let's explore your unique Beliefs and how they affect you. Learn how to recognize limiting beliefs, blocks, doubts, fears, etc. and where they came from, and how to shift them!

  3. Shift your attention at will. FEEL into people, places, objects, animals, nature, situations, places, etc. Become an Observer, a Noticer of everything. Deepens your innate Intuition!

  4. Discover the energy of the collective consciousness field as we explore the energy of certain places,        groups, stores, parks, workplace, etc. We'll even journey into the Elements for their insights!

  5. Tune into the body, organs, glands, cells, heart, mind, etc. Direct healing energy where needed, using your intention, Sacred Bio-Geometry, and Healing Chambers.

  6. Invoke and absorb the unique vibrations of your Star Family, Angels, Guides, Higher Self, and             Ancestors. Gather info, insights, and energy from them.

  7. Use Sacred geometry, and Bio-geometry for empowerment, healing, releasing, raising vibrations, etc.          How sound and vibration affect us.

  8. Discover new Manifesting techniques, how you can manifest your desires more rapidly.                        Strengthen your DNA, go into Heart Coherence at any time.

  9. Cleanse your Aura, Chakra’s, and your Biofield. Use the Zero Point Field to neutralize things that don’t serve you, or keep you stuck.

  10. Honor the process of continually expanding into your infinite potential! It's never ending. There are NO limits!

We are ALL Becoming 5D Beings!
  NEW Online Empowerment training Course 

How could your life SHIFT having a 'toolbox' of new skills to utilize and practice? 
Personally for me, learning these skills years ago created MAJOR shifts!  My life shot up like a ROCKET! I finally had the tools, and more importantly, the understanding of how, why, and where I was stuck, and HOW to shift things to manifest the life I knew was more in alignment for me. I was UNLIMITED and there was no stopping me!
I had a new found joy, clarity, and excitement for life again. I realized how powerful I really was, how I was truly an unlimited Divine Creative Being!  I knew who I was, what I truly wanted, and how to create on a much deeper level.  I was clear. It was totally empowering! There is no way I would have come so far in my life so quickly if it wasn't for my inner desperate desire to create some things differently, to allow my Soul to THRIVE! -  Jane

                                       ENJOY THIS SHORT 5 min. OVERVIEW of this training!

This fascinating training course will provide you with a variety of experiences and techniques to expand your abilities further than ever! Interactive classes will be 2 hours, every other week (replay provided). You will be required to share a paragraph or two with the group about the experiences you have doing the exercises during the week. As we share with each other, it is a great way to expand your experience as we learn from each other as well. It gives us insights, ideas, and permission to go deeper and anchor in these new abilities.

You will feel much more empowered, aware, and have lasting tools that will continue to expand as you use them. Consistency, patience, and inner wisdom are the Keys to fully activate your Star Seed Potentials! The potential of your consciousness is unlimited! There are NO boundaries. You can go much further than you have imagined. Learn to live from your powerful Heart Center!

Join Dr. Jane Smolnik for this deeply empowering experience. She has been highly trained for over 30 years in teaching some remarkable techniques with the assistance of her Guides/Star Family. They will be invited to join us as we embark on this journey. This will be much more of a right-brain intuitive, insightful class, speaking and exploring from our heart, and expanded self.  (fewer power points, more experiences)


Replays, work sheets and PDF's will be provided. Everyone is asked to join us Live and have their video ON as well so we can connect more easily with each other. This will be experiential as we practice, develop, and share our new tools, insights, and skills. 

Even if you have done spiritual inner work for years, you come to the class with your own consciousness and understanding and will certainly expand much further!

A limited number of committed students will be allowed so please join early to reserve your spot! For questions, or to see if this is right for you, please contact Dr. Jane at 828-777-5263, or email at:

This class start in September, for 6 classes.  Cost is $597. All inclusive.  I look forward to working with you very soon! If you need to break it down into two payments, please call at 828-777-5263. Thank you. 

Awakening Your Innate Abilities!


Register now for only $597.

Thanks for your order!

Or Enjoy these pre-recorded Classes!


Master Pendulum Use for Healing!

Learn how to dowse like a MASTER! Go way beyond yes/no answers. Dowse your organs, glands, body systems. Dowse foods and supplements, what are good for you and what to avoid! Discover so many uses for dowsing! Includes PDF and Charts. Excellent class!



Activate the Vagus Nerve! Stop the Stress Response!

Join this webinar to learn simple techniques to quickly stop the damaging stress response, relieve cellular stress in Adrenals, calm and relax anxiety, and much more!



Telepathic Communication
with People,Plants,Animal

Want to learn the art of 'Thought transfer' between beings? How Do You Connect? What are the steps? Handling Fears, Doubts, Resistance. Preparing to Receive Information or Guidance. Feeling, Knowing, Writing? What are your gifts? We will focus on people, animals, plants, trees, nature, etc.​ Fun class!


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Raise Your Frequency To Avoid Disease!

Do you know what a Healthy Body vibrates at? Learn all the things that raise or lower your vibration, making you vulnerable or resistant to disease! This is fascinating and essential info.



Communicate with Angels, Guides, Star Beings!

Who are they? Let's explore WHO we might connect with. How Do You Connect?

Preparing to Receive Guidance. Feeling, Knowing, Writing? What are your gifts? Understand the 7 Types of Empaths and abilities! Please watch Level 1 for a strong foundation - Communicate with People, Animals, Plants, Nature.


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PLEASE NOTE:  The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is opinion only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or health regimen.


Copyright 2021  Ultimate Healing, Jane Smolnik, Asheville, NC  Do NOT use or copy any information without written permission. 

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