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Are You Considering CBD Oil?

What IS CBD Oil?

The cannabis plant (also known as the hemp plant) has been used in just about every culture for centuries for natural healing therapies. In fact, cannabis is included in the 50 fundamental herbs within the cornucopia of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been cited in ancient texts as having a healing effect on over 100 ailments. Many Naturopathic and Holistic Doctors are using CBD oil products with excellent results.

Cannabidiol or CBD, is a promising phytocannabinoid found in agricultural hemp. It has been recognized for its benefits on human and animal health and is capable of affecting nearly every biological process. CBD is non-psychotoxic (i.e., it does not result in feelings of euphoria) and has a remarkable safety profile.

Cannabidiol is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis. It is a major phytocannabinoid, accounting for up to 40% of the plant's extract. CBD does not appear to have any intoxicating effects such as those caused by THC in marijuana, but may have effects on anxiety and anti-psychotic effect. This is for therapeutic use only.

If you are on a healing path and are considering using cannabinoids, here are some general guidelines that experts agree are worth considering:

  1. Do your own research. The best way to learn about the power of cannabis in healing cancer is to start digging. There are approximately 500 articles on Pubmed alone relating to cannabis and cancer. Learn about strains, qualified targeted research studies, what method of administration may be right for you, and the importance of balancing the Endocannabinoid System.

  2. Know your source. Unfortunately, because the medical cannabis industry is largely unregulated, charlatans selling bogus products definitely exist. You should not have to pay exorbitant amounts of money for any cannabis product that you buy from regulated pharmacies or online. Also, make quality a priority for you. Be sure that your product comes from an organic source and that you know that the plant has not been grown or processed using pesticides.

  3. Stick with natural cannabis products. Synthetically-produced cannabinoids such as Marinol are commercially available. However, anecdotal evidence has found that these do not work as efficiently as natural substances do.

  4. Work with a professional healthcare provider trained in cannabinoid therapy. These professionals are out there in increasing numbers, especially in states where the medical cannabis industry is well established or growing, such as California and Colorado. Reach out to a patient advocate group online if no qualified professionals are in your area.

  5. Make cannabis therapy an important part of your overall healing toolbox. A well-rounded naturally-based cancer healing protocol involves working with the body’s own healing mechanisms through a variety of means.

  6. This may mean changes to your diet and lifestyle, reducing stress, getting quality sleep, moving your body, intense detoxing protocols, and using other supplements and proven natural methods in addition to the powerful healing power of cannabis.

There are varying strengths, as well as several ways it can easily be used, such as drops (flavored or not), Spray, capsules, or salve. It may start with a mild form at 100 mg. and go up to 500, or even 2000 mg. Nano technology is also used with this product to more effectively get it into your cells.

We can make no claims whatsoever about it's use. But there is now a wealth of research and information regarding it's many health uses. Consider watching this current docu-series while it is still available for free, called 'The Sacred Plant'.

You'll be glad you did!

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