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The Healing Patterns of Flowers

The Healing Definitions of the flowers in our collection (condensed version):  


Anemone- For when life is a struggle and you can't experience pleasure. Renews your outlook. Helps rejuvenate damaged, scarred, or burned tissue.


Arrowwood- Clarity of direction and purpose. Purity of intent. Guiding one straight to the heart of the matter.


Barberry- Aids one in accepting and assimilating all aspects of life, the bitter and the sweet. Seeing grace and beauty of all life's aspects. The balance of positive and negative, the Yin and the Yang.


Beach Plum- Developing a finer tuning of the five senses, as well as psychic abilities. Appreciating the finest essence of life. Opening to the Angelic / Spiritual realm.


Black-eyed Susan- For stress and fear of looking deeply within. Aids understanding of hidden emotions and repressed aspects of self, traumas from the past. Enables you to acknowledge and achieve penetrating insights.


Black Birch- Gracious confidence. Sharing one's essence without any fear of rejection or getting hurt, etc. Inner radiance!


Bloodroot- Trusting one will be protected as one moves forward in his/her evolution. Helps one find the courage and inner resources to heal old wounds and move from despair and darkness to embracing one's inner light!


Blue Indigo - Helps anchor our spiritually achieved ideas into daily life; it warms the heart and brings the light of clear vision or inner sight to an area that needs it


Borage- For overcoming depression, sorrow, sadness, discouragement. Brings courage, cheer, confidence, joy.


Broccoli- For the power balance that must be maintained when one perceives him/her self to be under seige from others or outside influences. Stabilizes the body /soul unit so the person won't close down and detach.


Buttercup- Encourages relaxation and the feeling of being grounded, childlike, patient, and appreciative of the earth's riches. Grants us the safety to experience pleasure, joy, and abundance now, in the present.


Chamomile- For those easily upset, moody, irritable, tense. Insomnia. Releases tension, clears stress and unprocessed emotions out of the solar plexus and nervous system, encouraging serenity, emotional balance and a sunny disposition. Good for stomach complaints which are emotionally based.


Columbine- Enhances ability to think and act independently, projecting a strong sense of self. Self-appreciation.


Comfrey -Repairs higher vibrational soul damage. Heals nervous breakdown.


Crampbark - Strengthens our connection with the subconscious and our psychic abilities. Excellent aid to channeling, meditating or centering. To hear and trust the voice within. Fosters clarity of sight. Affects the ears and ability to listen. Helps relax the central nervous system.


Cucumber -Rebalancing during depression. Vital reattachment to life.    


Daisy- For distraction, confusion, over-sensitivity, being overwhelmed or out of control. For clear and easy understanding, organizational skills, uniting thoughts and ideas around a central focus. Helps deep breathing.


Delphinium- For comfortably expressing your beliefs, ideas, values, and spirituality with clarity, wisdom and compassion.


Dogwood - Finding the elegance in simplicity. Releasing the need of ownership. To help break attachment to the need for material possessions.Also for those who desire a more graceful way to move through life.


Dwarf Ginseng- Seeing how our choices create our reality. For realizing and understanding how and why the experiences of our lives create a wholeness of self, family, and community.


Eastern Hemlock- Easing one through the process of change and personal transformation. For guiding one through a shift in awareness / consciousness. Support through the changes that are ahead - personal and planetary.


Echinacea- For feeling shattered by trauma or abuse, loss of dignity, alienation. Restores true identity, self-integrity and dignity. Purifies thoughts, clarifies vision, refines judgement and understanding. Enhances resistance to viral toxicity.


Elder- "Self-worth". For times of transformation and change. Good for fretful children. Calms aggression, brings stability, love, forgiveness. For protection from abuse or invasion. Strength to confront fears and say No!


Foxglove- For those who feel confused in life, brings needed stillness of mind, releases tension around heart.


Gaywings- Moving through doubts and fears to pursue one's dreams. Putting oneself "out there" with a sense of freedom and direction. Joyful purpose. "Going for it!"


Globe Amaranth - Pushing forward in our spiritual knowledge and understanding, expanding our awareness and opening to our unlimited potential. Knowing its everlasting value and presence


Goldenrod-Feeling insecure, seeking negative attention from others. Brings humility, love, eases emotional disharmony. For owning one's power with others, being true to oneself. Letting go of barriers and conflicts.


Goldthread- Appreciation of the small miracles of each day, as one discovers life's treasures where one least expects it! Restores a sense of delight and inner radiance.


Hawthorne- For protection of the heart. For those situations one finds disorienting, uncomfortable or when dealing with those of opposing mind, thought or action.


Heal-All -Self healing power of self-acceptance and self-trust. Taking control, knowing what you need. Liberates our capacity to heal ourselves and receive nourishment from life energy. Helps assimilation of nutrients, good while fasting.


Heather - For those afraid of being alone, needing sympathy and energy from others constantly. Gives you strength to be alone, acceptance of all aspects of self.


Hobblebush- To help one take time to relax, enjoy, let go. When there seems to be too many things that need to be done. Reminds one of healthy priorities and releasing the need to always be doing / accomplishing something.


Hollyhock- For opening the heart, allowing yourself to feel and express love. Breaking through barriers, walls of fear.


Indian Pipe- Balances the flow of energy between chakras, so enhancing movement. For establishing a clear contact with higher vibrations in channeling. Releases strain in the back.


Iris- For feeling frustrated, lack of inspiration and creativity, feeling weighed down. Encourages perception of beauty, making everything seem alive and vibrant, and a deep soulfulness which is in touch with the higher realms.


Lady's Mantle- For those who need protection and inspiration of the Goddess. Helps with infertility.


Lavender- Inner peace and Harmony through self appreciation and spiritual self knowledge. Calms, cleanses, soothes, creates space and brings a clear overview. Good for meditating, balancing the emotions.


Lily- Releases anxiety and fears of not being in control of your daily affairs and future destiny. Boosts immunity.


Mallow- For insecurity - an inability to trust others and radiate warmth. Removes barriers and helps us trust our inner feelings. Encourages openhearted sharing and friendliness. Also eases concerns of aging,



Marigold- For those with a rigid, materialistic approach to life, who are not listening to what others say, not listening to their own bodies messages or their intuition, often a total denial of their psychic and spiritual dimensions.


Mountain Laurel- Support, guidance, protection in those times of confusion and struggle. Helps one see a way through the tangles. For balance and clarity when faced with difficult decisions.


Mullein- For feeling joyfully full of self, helps us observe the dark side without threat. Encourages awareness of our "inner voice". Emotionally self-nurturing, brings a sense of security, purpose and protection.


Nasturtium- Restores physical vitality during times of too much mental level focus. For those knowing they need to make changes in their lives, but seem unable to make the first move. Good for vision on all levels.


Painted Trillium- Making decisions from the Heart space, while understanding the far-reaching effects of your choices.


Pansy- Balance immune system. Encourages strength, resistance, and the will to overcome illness. Helps clear viral or bacterial infection. Good for colds, herpes, kidneys and adrenals. Helps with grief, eliminating toxins.


Peace Rose- Courage.Opens the individual to the inner dynamic of courage that is aligned to universal courage.


Peppermint - For mental alertness, over-coming mental sluggishness. Builds confidence. Also for craving stimulation and food only to feel sluggish afterwards - an unbalanced metabolism. Imparts vibrancy.


Pink Yarrow- For being too easily influenced by the emotions of others. Protects the heart and emotions.


Purple Clematis- For those who have experienced a deep hurt. Assists one in reaching out, not shutting down and moving deeper within. Trusting a slow and gentle healing process.


Quaking Aspen -Mother Courage, Strong Heart. Doing what needs to be done. Breaking the path, the ice. Beginning. Fearlessness in the face of the unknown. Understanding of and easy connection with subtle planes.


Red Cedar- Courage. Strength. Wisdom. Ability to draw on our deepest inner resources when we need to. Trusting the "wise one" within. For accessing ancient memories, from present and past lives.


Red Clover- For panic, fear, shock. To stay calm, centered and balanced in times of fear, panic, shock. Brings soothing trust in the universe.


Sage- Reflection of the meaning of life. For the wisdom of accepting that you do not understand everything and not taking yourself too seriously, the essential secret of longevity. Relax and enjoy life. Aids digestion.


Sassafras- Learning self-love. Appreciating one's uniqueness and inner gifts, and offering them from a place of love.


Scots Pine- For guidance in searching for the right path of direction in one's life. Helps find the strength to continue. A supportive guide in seeking the inner mysteries of life.


Shasta Daisy- For over-analytical people. Gives insight into the larger picture of mental and emotional experiences, bringing to wholeness. Good for writing, research, teaching, and other intellectual professions.


Soapwort - For those who are over-looked, under appreciated, or have a lack of vision, or feel bewildered. Feeling of "What am I doing here?"  Letting go of needing to be seen


Spiderwort- Clears pollutants, especially environmental toxins and radiation. Opening to Spiritual guidance.


St. Johnswort- For over-worried or frightened people. Releases conscious and sub-conscious fears, brings trust in spiritual protection and guidance. Helps with fearful dreams, nightmares. Seals the aura and helps bring sound sleep. Trust that all is well and feel protected by the light.


Star Flower- Assists accepting and embracing one's shadow self / dark side. For those who fear the dark. Offers protection from negative thoughts, influences, brings the light of hope.


Sunflower - For those feeling separated by the Universal Spirit, low self-esteem, rejected, even suicidal. Brings a sense of responsibility for actions, renews creativity, finding strength in our abilities, talents, gifts as it strengthens our radiant expression.


Tansy- For sluggishness, indecisiveness, laziness, procrastinating. Being exposed to too much chaos, emotional instability, even violence, responding by withdrawing and restricting energy. Self-assertion.


Tomato- Strength, Courage, Victory! For fear, nightmares, withdrawal, defensiveness, overcoming addictions, shyness. Allows us to know there is no failure. Encourages belief in oneself, invincibility, psychic protection.


Trillium - For excessive ambition, greed, lust for possessions, power, and material wealth. Cultivates altruism, balances energy and brings inner purity.


Uva Ursi- Nurtures the feminine, the vessel of creativity, the deep, dark void from which all life flows. Helps one access the healing and creative powers of the deeper resources within. Physically-for healing the ovaries.


Valerian- Relaxes stress, lifts your spirits. Rediscover delight and happiness. Harmony in relationships, finding a peaceful common ground. Good for insomnia, nervous irritation.


Violet- For those who are shy, reserved, or lonely. They long to share themselves with others, but hold back for fear of being overwhelmed. Allowing your "self" to expand and be comfortable around others.


White Pine - Offers the Foundation of Ancient Wisdom to help us remember how to "put the pieces back together". A guiding light to illuminate and support one's remembering. For Stability and balance.


Wild Azalea- Confidence and self-assurance when called upon to share one's abilities and talents. Enhances perception of time, knowing when to act and when to be still.


Wild Rose- For Appreciating and enjoying the simple things in life, enjoying the moments with gratitude. For opening our awareness to accepting the abundance that's all around us. How sweet life is!


Wild Lily of the Valley- For those who take life all too seriously. Creates a healthy sense of priorities, remembering what's really important. For bringing joy and exuberance. Helps one to lighten up!


Wisteria - For those who are unaware of loving feelings, not feeling love at all.Opens us up to receive and give unconditional love.A heart tonic for enjoying everyone.Brings back sexual enjoyment to those fearing sex and intimacy.


Witch Hazel - Uplifts the spirit. Holds the light of hope and promise in times of doubt and anxiety. Good for 'winter depression.'


Yellow Yarrow- For emotional protection during vulnerable times. Its support softens resistance and assists integration. Protects with a shield of Light. Rebuilds vitality and solidity by repairing the aura.


Yucca- For keeping sight of one's long-term goals with faith, perseverance, and endurance. Staying Focused!


Veronica- For laziness, always looking to make personal gains, needing attention and approval. Feeling isolated, like you go unnoticed and mis-understood. Teaches you to relate to others differently, not dwelling on the belief that you are misunderstood and separate.


Zinnia- For those feeling unloved, hurt and angry. Reconnects one to the child within, restores joy, laughter, playfulness. Releases bitterness, heavy metal toxicity, arthritic and rheumatic pains. Cultivates generosity.


Zucchini- Helps restore physical strength after illness or injury. For a harmonious pregnancy, helps balance emotions, eliminates physical tensions. Increases creativity, especially when repressed by societies.


Introducing  ‘LIVING ESSENCES’  - click here to see them.

88 Unique flower essences from the pristine outback of Australia!



Higher Spectral Color Essences  (vibrational color essences- 24 total)


Higher Spectral Color #6 - Thought-form.  Needn’t have, no more.  Pure essence. Bright. Take away the shadows of the night.  You needn’t laugh, you needn’t cry.  take this.  You will never die. Pure light of Spirit, this one to be.  Feel the now and eternity. For those who wish to float on the Golden river of love, past places undefined and mis-measured, into a land where the clarity of every event is known in the consciousness of all, and understood in full awareness, so it’s beauty can ring true. Like the bell whose sound stills the anguish, pain, or uncertainty in the heart.  Calms the Soul and allows the eyes to see with a purity that all nature will be free.  A way to channel love from the heart through the eyes, into the hands, and out into the world...that others may be touched by the flame of Spirit and know their world as one. 


Higher Spectral Color # 8 - May all Light be yours! May it bless you and keep you and all light shine upon you, and give you peace.  A light through the endless well of continuity, from one ‘end’ to the other, around the loop and back.  The figure eight journey through light, that we may understand the cycles and travelways that always come back to where it first began through the journey of light. A WIDTH of frequency that creates a very broad band, that we may understand the dimensional width of this light that goes out into the universe from our hearts and comes back home again, with food for understanding and light for power through Love.  The loop keeps coming around, is never ending, and is Love.


Higher Spectral Color #11 - There is a calm here that is the light of the Divine SUn.  Much of what you need to be accomplished now can be done under it’s Light. Things are progressing according to the Divine Plan for Peace and Light. There is a pearl-light of infinite wisdom in this essence.  Worn over the heart, it will help one to see with the Mind’s eye truly through the eyes of the Heart.  When the Mind and Heart are one on earth, all will come round right into balance, and the birds will sing, all nature will dance, and humans will smile with deep contentment.  This essence is to clear long and deep wounding in the heart...often many lifetimes old.  It’s light illumines the deepest recesses, so that the light may lift the weight and show the way to healing and release.  This is a deeply penetrating essence, whether taken internally, or externally applied.


Higher Spectral Color #12 - Beauty...pure, unadulterated Beauty of Light, the quality of which here to fore unknown on this Earth.  Take the rainbow and illumine it 1000, 10,000, a million-fold!  This is the quality this essence brings.  It echoes in all the crystals in the Earth...this secret held sacred for the millennia.  When this secret is held in balance betweens the stars, and the inner earth is understood by humans,, development cannot help but be natural with eyes seeing whole.  Keys to the Universe of Light are held in this essence, and the codes working between crystals and stars can then be incorporated by humans... literally taken into their bodies, so their connection to all will be once again in their breathe.  Balance will ring true.


Higher Spectral Color #13 - Whole, and Heartfelt, and warm.  The quality of this color is unimaginable in its beauty! Gold in its overlight, with interstices of green, lime-yellow green, and pale pink rose in its hue. The quality to change consciousness on the planet...with the powers of regeneration and rejuvenation through the rainbow colors of light.  This essence will help with the toes, feet, and the sacral area.  Hold the bottle and bathe those areas with it’s light! Light back in the forefront, the spotlight.  Bring it through your 3rd eye and out through your heart.  The recirculating beam, to flow in all areas in need.  Little parts of darkness are held in clear, warm light.  A liquid pool of yellow-green, new spring leaves in an enchanted kingdom, holding the cellular frequency to renew all.  A growth energy of magical proportions and minuscule scale.  Feel us now and know you are whole.  In love we bring this to deep love!  Nothing to be born, nothing to die.  All is well.


Higher Spectral Color #14 - Stone of Light, Quality of Color, resounding, reverberating, whole.  Chords of strength and luminosity to fill every fiber of your being!  May you feel in Grace around the quality of this Being of Light.  Color...quality of deep blue, slate blue, luminous, fathoms deep.  Streaks of sunlight penetrating int inner depths.  For luminosity really to heal it must go deep, deep into the core of our being.  If ever you doubted the quality of color to heal...STOP!  We fool no longer.  The time is now.  Use it with abandon, and faith, and love and virtue.  Abandon all thought-forms holding lack and limits.  The quality of this color is embracing and enriching and real...holding you to a knowing of your full abundance.


Higher Spectral Color # 16 - Moss-green-gold.  Near to the Earth and not of it.  Rainbow echoes in halo light.  Love of a purity of pattern that can create start shapes in vegetable form.  What is that energy that can create form in matter out of light? What is it to hold...what is it to know?  It is consciousness, transmitted vibrationally.  the green of growth bringing into form the qualities of consciousness offered from the stars.  This green, touched with gold warms the heart, and allows for manifestation in an earthly fashion.  An elixir that brings us in closer touch with the understanding of manifestation on this to guide into form, and how to guide it back into balance when form has been tampered with.  Works from cellular to sequoia level.  Brings us power to heal ourselves and other beings involved in the evolutionary dance. 


Higher Spectral Color #17 -  Starlight again but in a different sort; that which is buried deep in the Earth, and radiates out into the core of her being...that she may fuel us with knowledge and energy to help our consciousness continue to evolve in resonant harmony with hers.  Mauve, crystalline, violet-pure light of love consciousness to honor every being on this planet...that we may know in our hearts our spiritual connection to Mother Earth.  That there can be no mistake that we are linked, step by step, heart by heart.  That our intentions will fuse can correlate with hers so that creation that comes will be magnificent for all involved.  That we may paint with the Heart of the Earth, and that she may paint with ours.  That we may hear her harmonies so deep in our cores that we may recognize them as ours as well.  this is an essence for spiritual renaissance, physical healing, and heartfelt love. It’s power is extraordinary.  It’s name is LOVE. 



Higher Spectral Color #19 - A shower of Love to hold the energy for the Heart.  The Heart here which we speak is the heart that connects with Nations...Nations beyond in stellar-ways most distant (beyond our galaxy).  This color bundle sends messages to those Beings and makes our Heart intention clear.  Like fiber optics, the color stranding in this essence allows for communication of the highest order.  From a heart clear from pain and confusion, that its true love intention may shine forth and be seen as a radiant flower.  ‘Lotus-Light’ of heart-well shine on all kingdoms, near and far!



Higher Spectral Color # 20 - The Light is upon you, shining bright!  Never will you re-enter into night.   This essence is to bring you closer to your own bright let you feel it’s radiance tangibly in every cell of your being.  The Light enters the cells, and lets you feel the peace and radiance therein.  A cleansing of all darkness happens.  Can be taken daily to stimulate the cells to open wide to the Light of the Central Sun...regenerate, renew, and restore your being daily to the brilliance of it’s creative force and potential. 


Higher Spectral Color #21 - Cattail (plant shape).  A channel for color from a deep well of light.  Know that light can exist in the depths of rooms so vast and open and bright that whole worlds could fit therein.  For the collective consciousness to bathe in a color of healing, take this essence and beam it out into the world.  The ones who are receptive will take it into their hearts.  To cleanse emotions and help us get in touch with the joy that is all around us always.  A pathway of Light to follow down and back up...a complete circle.




Venutian Flower #8 - Building of webs.  Reconnecting points that have had their connecting links severed.  For webs, grids, lattices and have had their points damaged and linkages severed.  Rebuilding of damaged electrical grids; in brains, bodies, the electromagnetic fields around the Earth.  Breathes Light into synapses to restore the life-force of the electrical charge. Helps augment psychic powers...telepathy, clairaudience, empathy, remote viewing, and keep one going when contact must be maintained over a long period...during operations, meditations, etc. Good for body issues where the electrical communication is involved. 



SOUL RAY Essences -


Soul Ray #7 - Balances and stabilizes the refracted soul heart links and, as a result, solidifies their sense of home base. 


Soul Ray #8 - Provides the support needed for understanding who one is and one’s relationship to the many different levels and activities participated in.  Provides the internal support for maintaining that balance.




PERELANDRA Rose Essences 


Blaze Improved Rose - Softens and relaxes first the central nervous system and then the body as a whole, thus allowing the input from an expansion experience to be appropriately sorted, shifted, and integrated within the body.


Oregold (Rose)- Stabilizes and balances the cranials, central nervous system, CFS and sacrum after an expansion process is complete.


Peace Rose - Courage.  Opens the individual to the inner dynamic of courage that is aligned to universal courage. 


Betty Prior - Stabilizes and balances the delicate rhythm of expansion and contraction of the cranial bones during the expansion.

Orange Ruffles - Receptivity, Stabilizes the individual during the expansion of his sensory system.


Nymphenberg (Rose) - Strength!  Supports and holds strength created by the balance of the body/soul fusion, and facilitates the individual’s ability to regain that balance. 




There are still many other essences in our collection!  Personalized formulas can contain up to 10 essences in a combination of your choice, or let Dr. Jane dowse essences for your specific needs!  $40 for a personlized formula.  Call 828-777-5263 to order!

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Copyright 2021  Ultimate Healing, Jane Smolnik, Asheville, NC  Do NOT use or copy any information without written permission. 

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